Hydraloop Cascade

Scaling water recycling
for business needs

Transforming daily water use into a valuable resource is precisely what the Hydraloop Cascade achieves. For multi-family homes and larger businesses like hotels, student housing, sports clubs and more.

Volver a convertir el agua en agua

The modular and scalable Hydraloop Cascade system enables the reuse of disinfected water for gardens, toilets, laundry, or even topping up pools, reducing tap water usage by 25-45%.

Modular, scalable, made to measure

The Hydraloop Cascade adapts to any project size, offering large systems or several smaller clusters. Certified for safety, its software-driven, internet-connected technology ensures low maintenance, making it a smart, seamless solution for saving tap water and improving efficiency.

Sencillo. Eficaz. Siempre.

The Hydraloop Cascade is a modular and scalable set up

Ideal for hotels, lodges, commercial and residential real estate, campsites, holiday parks, sports and wellness centers, worship spaces, and remote locations.

The Hydraloop Cascade can recycle water from showers, hand basins, and condensation from air conditioners, heat pumps, and washer-dryers – giving water a second life by using it twice.

This reusable water can be used for irrigating landscapes and green roofs/walls, flushing toilets, and maintaining water levels in pools and ponds.

Para nuevas construcciones. A Hydraloop Cascade is modular and scalable set up that can adapt to any project size. Through an easily installed separate drainpipe, greywater is directed to the Hydraloop Cascade. Our technicians are available to advise the installation company so that the pipes can be laid during construction. This is cost-saving and stays on track with your construction timeline.

Para reequipamientos. Water recycling it can be integrated into any building type, whether by expanding existing systems or adding a dedicated technical space. Renovations are ideal to prepare plumbing for water recycling. Installation companies can rely on our technicians for guidance, ensuring seamless, cost-effective integration and keeping the project on schedule.

Adapte su reutilización del agua. Water reuse options can be tailored to specific needs – whether for irrigation, toilet flushing, laundry, or  topping up pools. One or all options can be selected based on project requirements.

Los productos Hydraloop están probados y certificados
Nuestros productos se prueban y certifican de forma independiente conforme a las normas NSF/ANSI 350, UL979 y CE. Todos los productos se fabrican en la fábrica con certificación ISO, que también es auditada por IAPMO y NSF, lo que garantiza su seguridad y fiabilidad.

  • Ahorre agua del grifo, reduzca las aguas residuales y el consumo de energía.
  • Reduzca su huella medioambiental y conserve todo el confort vital.
  • Acceda a agua limpia, segura y desinfectada gracias a su galardonada tecnología patentada.
  • Certificado conforme a las normas internacionales más exigentes.
  • Diseño elegante y moderno con opciones personalizables.
  • Instalación sencilla y mantenimiento mínimo.
  • Autolimpiable, totalmente automática y rentable.
  • Conectividad a Internet 24/7 con asesoramiento proactivo a través de la app Hydraloop.
  • Certificado NSF-350R.

El poder del agua al alcance de la mano

La aplicación Hydraloop pone el poder de la gestión del agua en sus manos. Con una interfaz fácil de usar, puedes controlar y optimizar tu consumo de agua en cualquier momento y lugar.

Personalise your Hydraloop Cascade

Customize the look, feel, and features of your Hydraloop Cascade.

Let your business be a statement of water efficiency and design.

Contact our solutions team

Get a consultation with our team to learn how Hydraloop can benefit you