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Slim strandhotel
Apparaten en polijstmachines:
4 x H600
4 x H600
Waterbesparing per jaar:
730.000 liters | 192.845,56 gallons
730.000 liters | 192.845,56 gallons
Hotel Rosa, situated right at Oostend beach, is strongly committed to reducing its carbon footprint in all daily operational tasks. The staff uses organic cleaning products and minimizes the use of paper, while encouraging emplyees and guests to recycle. Since installing a Hydraloop Cascade with 4 H600 devices, the hotel flushes all toilets in the builing with reusable water. This enables annual water savings of more than 700.000 liters, or almost 200.000 gallons.
- Oostende, Belgium
- 65 rooms
Installatie details
- Devices and Polishers: 4 x H600
- Yearly Water Saving: 730.000 liters / 192.845,56 gallons
- Collection Sources: Showers, hand basins
- End Uses: Toilets
- Size of Installation: 14,4 sqm / 154,88 sqft
Meer verhalen
Het waterefficiënte huis van Alfred en Kay
Project: Alfred en Kay Tetzner, Zuid-Californië, VS