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Future-proof football stadium


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Devices and Polishers:
3 x H600, Polisher type A
Yearly Water Savings:
450.000 liters | 118877 gallons

Cambuur Stadium ‘De Kooi,’ currently under construction for the professional soccer club SC Cambuur in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, will accommodate 15,000 visitors per match. It is set to become the most sustainable stadium in the country and will also serve as the new home for the Firda School, providing practical education for young people and adults.

Hydraloop will collect and recycle water from the dressing rooms’ showers and hand basins, treating it for reuse in flushing the toilets throughout the stadium’s main building.

Project Information

  • Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
  • 15.000 seats

Installation Details

  • Devices and Polishers: 3 x H600, Polisher type A
  • Yearly Water Saving: 450.000 liters / 118877 gallons

Usage Details

  • Collection Sources: Showers for the home and away teams, hand basins
  • End Uses: Toilets
  • Size of Installation: 6,4 sqm / 68,72 sqft

We aim to create a future-proof stadium that will enhance property value. As this stadium is designed to serve for the next 40 years, we are incorporating grey water recycling to ensure its sustainability.

– Edgar van Perlo, Project leader New Stadium, SC Cambuur

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